
COVID-19 Isolation and Exposure Protocol

On Jan. 9, 2024, CDPH updated its COVID-19 guidance documents on isolation and on testing. Cal/OSHA, on the same date, revised its FAQs which explain how CDPH changes impact the nonemergency COVID-19 Prevention regulation. CDPH changed the definition of “isolation period,” thus creating the possibility of a shorter isolation period for infected individuals. Cal/OSHA reinforced testing requirements for employees who are symptomatic at work or have close contact exposures at the workplace. Masks must be worn at the workplace by employees who return to work 10 or fewer days after they first experienced symptoms or had a positive test.

Employee Screening for COVID-19

This recommendation is current as of August 1, 2022.

Employers should continue to evaluate employee health regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.

Patient Screening

Screening patients and other visitors is an essential part of COVID-19 infection prevention. Dental practices must also perform screening in compliance with Cal/OSHA regulations.

Reporting Symptoms, Exposure or Positive Test for COVID-19: Employee Tracking Form

Use this form when an employee reports symptoms, exposure, or a positive test for COVID-19 to help track the incident.