Employment Practices

Laws & regulations, hiring/firing, office policies & manuals and performance

It can be challenging to balance the roles of healthcare provider and employer, but it doesn’t have to be. Find resources to help hire your dream team and keep your staff productive and happy. Get advice on how to write job descriptions, create applications, set office policies, establish alternative work schedules, and terminate an employee. In addition, all of this is supported by an Employee Manual that can be customized to your practice.

Employee Manual Resources

Create a personalized employee manual using an online tool or a sample employee manual.

20 Interview Red Flags

If you interview job candidates, you need a red-flag list. A red-flag list is used during the interview process to help identify “warning signs” that candidates aren’t a good fit for the practice or position. Using this list of considerations may curb your turnover and help you avoid a bad hire.

30-60-90 Day Performance Evaluation

Studies show employee retention increases when employers invest in the initial first months of employment. Doing reviews at the first 30, 60, and 90 days of an employee's tenure with a practice is a great way to provide them with feedback on their performance, and it offers them the opportunity to tell you what is going well and where they need help. Use this form to conduct and document 30-60-90-day reviews with your new employee.  

Alternative Workweek Resources

Use these resources when adopting an alternative workweek (AWW) in a dental practice to ensure all details are met and properly reported to the Department of Industrial Relations. Includes checklist, templates and samples for use during AWW implementation.

Application for Employment

California-specific application to help evaluate a candidate’s experience and skills, and information on obtaining authorization for reference checks. 

April 2023: Mandatory Update to Federal Minimum Wage Poster

A recent update to federal law providing additional rights to parents who must express breast milk at work has impacted the federal Minimum Wage poster. Known as the “PUMP” Act (Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers), the law impacts employers who are not covered by California’s more expansive protections. Since it came into effect employers must accommodate nursing mothers by, among other things, providing a location other than a bathroom to express breast milk. California has required lactation accommodation for a number of years and requires notices to employees above and beyond poster notice requirements.

Certification of Health Care Provider - Employees or Family Members Serious Health Condition

Use this CRD form to request certification from a health care provider for CFRA leaves due to the employee’s own serious health condition or that of a family member.

This for may be used for CFRA and non-CFRA medical leaves of absence or other requested accommodations due to a qualifying disability or serious heath condition.

Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee Return to Work

A form for use by California employers to comply with the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).

Certification of Health Care Provider for Pregnancy Disability Leave, Transfer and/or Reasonable Accommodation

Form for use by employee requesting leave of absence from work under CFRA because of pregnancy, disability or reasonable accommodation.

CFRA Designation Notice

Designation of a CFRA leave is a two-step process: employee notice of the need for a CFRA leave and employer designation of the leave as CFRA leave.

CFRA Leave Documentation Checklist - For Employer Use Only

Checklist to ensure completion of all necessary documentation for an employee's CFRA leave request. For employer use only.

Change in Relationship Notice

Use this notice to document termination, permanent change in an employees schedule, decrease in pay and more. Employers must give immediate written notice to the employee of a change in the employment relationship.

Compensation for Meetings and Education

Common scenarios and guidelines for pay requirements for employee meetings and continuing education events.

Comprehensive Guide to California's Paid Sick Leave Law

All employers are required to provide a set amount of paid sick leave (PSL) to employees who work California. The law establishes minimum requirements, but employers have options with how they provide and manage the time. 

Conducting Performance Evaluations

Provides best practice preparation and checklists for conducting performance evaluations. Includes sample form to document an evaluation of an employee's performance.

Considerations When Hiring an Associate Checklist

Contains a list of legally required forms, regulatory and billing considerations as you prepare for your new associate.

COVID-19 Booster Declination Form

This form should be used in tandem with your Mandatory COVID-19 Booster Policy.


COVID-19 Mandatory Policy Instructions for Employers and Sample Mandatory Vaccination Policy

Employers may require employees to be vaccinated for COVID-19 as long as they engage in the interactive process with any employee who requests a reasonable accommodation

Declination of Employer Recommended or Required Influenza (flu) Vaccination

Form to document employee refusal of recommended or required flu vaccination.

Dentists Should Be Prepared When an Employee Seeks A Disability Accommodation

Use this resource to help navigate and document the interactive process for reasonably accommodating an employee with a disability. ​​

Effective July 1, City of Los Angeles Freelance Worker Protections Ordinance

The ordinance sets forth certain requirements for employers retaining freelance workers (bona fide independent contractors) operating within the City of Los Angeles. Among other requirements and protections, the ordinance establishes a requirement that a written agreement be in place. Read more about the requirements of the ordinance here.

Employee Disciplinary Warning Form

Information and sample form to assist with documenting and addressing employee issues. Handling such situations properly is key to continuing a good relationship, or potentially ending a bad one.

Employee Emergency Contact Form

An employee emergency contact form is an onboarding form that employees can fill out to provide you with their emergency contact information in the event of a practice emergency. Employees may also provide any other information that they think you might need to know in case of an emergency, such as food allergies or allergies to any medications.

Keep this form organized in your employee confidential personnel records and review and update annually.

Employee Manual Resources

Create a personalized employee manual using an online tool or a sample employee manual.

Employee Records

Guidelines to help a practice build and maintain employee information while securely storing legally compliant files and documents.

Exempt Employee Classification Compliance Checklist

Checklist to help determine if a position meets the exempt (salaried) employment classification. 

Face Covering Exemption Medical Certification Form

Employers should develop a policy to accommodate any worker who meets one of the exemptions from wearing a face mask. If a worker is unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition, they should be provided with a non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape attached to the bottom edge, for example. Employers may provide this form to an employee to obtain medical certification from their health care provider supporting their request for an accommodation.