Dental Practice

California Dental Licensure Options

A summary of the pathways to obtain a California dental license, the first of many licenses, permits, certificates and registrations necessary to practice dentistry, as well as to own and operate a dental practice, in the state.

California State Mandated Reporting

California law designates certain individuals as "mandated reporters” for known or suspected abuse or neglect of a child, elder and dependent adult and incidents of violence. Dentists, and many members of the dental team, are required to acknowledge their responsibility and make reports as well as consider training for their teams.

Consent to Prescribe Opioid to a Minor

Document prescriber’s discussion with a minor and guardian on opioid risks prior to prescribing the medication in non-emergency circumstances.

Continuing Education Requirements and FAQ

This is a summary and FAQ of the Dental Board’s continuing education regulations as of Jan. 1, 2025. To determine if a CE provider is registered with the Dental Board, use the Department of Consumer Affairs database.

CURES - Frequently Asked Questions

All controlled substance prescribers in California are required to register to access the state prescription drug monitoring program known as CURES (Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System), which is managed by the state Department of Justice. The site is not accessible to those using the Internet Explorer (IE) browser.

Dental Assisting Categories

Summarizes allowed duties and educational requirements for all dental assisting categories. Includes new requirements effective Jan. 1, 2025 and July 1, 2025. 

Dental Board - Notice of Licensure

Must be accessible to public view on the premises where dental services are provided. Required information must be in at least 48-point type.

Dental Materials Fact Sheet FAQ

Dental practices must provide a copy of the Dental Board-approved Dental Materials Fact Sheet to a patient or guardian at least once prior to performing a restorative procedure on that patient.

Dental Practice Marketing and Advertising 101

Marketing and advertising are critical for a dental practice to establish itself successfully and to maintain practice goals.

Fictitious Business Name

Requirements for a dental practice that wants to operate using a fictitious name.

Guide to Dental Practice Act Compliance

Summarizes portions of the Dental Practice Act and organizes information in alphabetical order by subject. Citations are provided to appropriate California laws and regulations.

Helping Your Out-of-state-trained Dental Assistant to Become a California Registered Dental Assistant

Use this resource help an out-of-state trained dental assistant plan to become a California registered dental assistant without enrolling in a full-time educational program. New paths available July 1, 2025.

Information Blocking Rule Q&A

 Learn more about the information blocking rule, which permits patients and others greater access to patient information. The rule is part of the 21st Century Cures Act, a federal law.

Nondiscrimination Requirements Under the Affordable Care Act Section 1557

All dental practices should follow the nondiscrimination requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Review this summary, checklist and Q&A.

Oral Health Care Delivery in Long-Term Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities

A summary of state and federal requirements for providing oral health care in long-term care and skilled nursing facilities.

Preceptorship Pathway to Becoming a California Registered Dental Assistant

Starting July 1, 2025, an individual can become a California registered dental assistant through a new preceptorship pathway.

Prescribing and Dispensing Q&A

Q&A on state and federal DEA requirements for prescribing, dispensing and administering controlled substances and non-controlled substances. Includes prescription form requirements.

Regulations on Dentists Initiating and Administering Vaccines

A dentist who prescribes and administers any vaccine must follow requirements for training, continuing education, notifications, reporting and documentation established in Section 1066 of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations.

Required Employee Training

A summary of state required employee training that employers are required to provide  and related requirements. Does not include training required for licensure or license renewal.

Rules for Communicating via Telephone, Cellphone and Email

This is a guide to the rules for communicating via these technologies with patients and other individuals via telephone, cellphone, text message or email.

Safety Inspection Checklist for Dental Facilities

Use this checklist to conduct required safety inspections.

Sedation and Anesthesia Permits

Summary of permit requirements for dentists administering or ordering the administration of general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, adult oral conscious sedation and pediatric minimal sedation. 

Steps To Becoming a California Registered Dental Assistant

Steps to becoming an RDA changed significantly in 2025. Use this resource as a checklist.

Tables of Permitted Duties

Dental practices utilizing dental auxiliaries must post a notice that describes their allowable duties and functions within stipulated settings and/or circumstances.


Q&As, coding information and a sample notice and consent form required by the Dental Board.

Use Caution with Patient Referral, Loyalty Programs

Recommendations for dentists participating in patient loyalty programs; to ensure compliance with legal guidelines and CDA ethical standards.