Resource Library
Browse our online library of downloadable articles, guides, templates, checklists and forms.
Dental Benefit Plans
Dental benefit contracting: It’s not all about the fees
Learn how to weigh the costs before you sign a dental benefit participating provider agreement/contract.
Dental Benefit Plan Handbook – Chapter 10: Understanding the Claim Appeal Process
California law requires every dental plan to have a formal procedure that providers can use to dispute/challenge actions/decisions made by the plan. Overview of plan legal requirements, steps to appealing claims, filing a payment disputes.

Dental benefit questions? Get expert advice.
Share issues and get support from expert analysts.
Employment Practices
What to Expect When Your Employee is Expecting
When an employee tells you they are pregnant, you must be prepared. As a California employer, you must be well-versed in the various leave entitlements, documentation obligations, and wage replacement benefits your employees may qualify for.
Meal and Rest Break Considerations and Sample Policy
Assists with drafting specific break policies for your practice that are compliant with California laws.

Leave Management
Guides, templates, and checklists to help California employers navigate, document, and comply with complex state and federal leave laws.
Practice Management
New Associate Onboarding Checklist
First impressions matter when a new associate joins the team. Few onboarding goals are more critical than providing them with a positive experience in the first days and weeks of their employment.
The following checklist and suggested first-week schedule can be integrated into your practice’s onboarding plan. You may customize the checklist to fit your practice.
The Associate Interview
The interview process provides an opportunity for both the practice owner and associate candidate to assess whether their working relationship will be compatible. Get tips in this resource.

Whether you’re looking for an opportunity as an associate dentist or looking to hire an associate dentist, take a look at the tools available to assist you with your hiring and onboarding needs.
Regulatory Compliance
Dental Assisting Categories
Summarizes allowed duties and educational requirements for all dental assisting categories. Includes new requirements effective Jan. 1, 2025 and July 1, 2025.
HIPAA Security Rule – A Summary
The rule sets standards to protect patient information in electronic form. A covered entity must implement or address more than 30 administrative, physical and technical standards summarized here.

Patient Care

Laboratory Testing and Vaccine Confidence Toolkits
Access toolkits and forms needed to provide patients with vaccinations or laboratory testing. Also, learn what is required to manage COVID-19 and other infectious diseases in your practice.