If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources.
When most people think about health insurance, they think first about covering costs of treatment for serious medical conditions or accidents. That is a natural thing to do. There is another type of health coverage you may want to consider, one that is equally important to your well-being, a dental benefit plan.
The California Dental Association Foundation, CDA and national partner America's Dentists Care Foundation, host CDA Cares, providing free dental care and education.
California's health insurance marketplace, developed to comply with the federal Affordable Care Act. Dental benefits are one of the required health benefits for children. Families who need dental coverage for their children can shop for it on this website.
Healthy kids need healthy teeth! Dental disease affects your child's overall health and interferes with his or her ability to do well in school. CDA joined with 35 other dental organizations to create a simple message about the value of good oral health for children.