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Online-only license renewal begins in July 2021 for California dental team members

January 6, 2021
Quick Summary: As of July 2021,  the Dental Board of California is sending license-renewal notifications to dentists and other licensees by email only. Licensees will not receive renewal notices and applications by mail nor can they submit completed applications by mail but instead must renew through BreEZe online services.

The Dental Board of California will stop sending California-licensed dentists and others licensed by the board automated renewal application forms in the mail beginning July 2021. Licensees can expect to receive instead a postcard reminding them to renew online through BreEZe Online Services, the Department of Consumer Affairs’ licensing and enforcement system.

Renewing online will reduce processing times significantly ― to as little as 24 to 48 hours, according to the dental board.

Registration with BreEZe is required ― and simple. The dental board recommends that licensees set up their BreEZe account now, if not already registered, to avoid potential technical or account glitches that may otherwise occur if licensees attempt to renew too near the expiration date of their license or permit. BreEZe also allows individuals to submit license applications.

Licensees can continue to renew online through BreEZE or by mail until the July 2021 transition.


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