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CDA offers a simplified approach to bloodborne pathogen safety compliance

May 25, 2022

An important distinction between bloodborne pathogen and infection control safety training standards in the state of California is often overlooked by many practice owners.

Cal/OSHA requires annual bloodborne pathogen training for dental professionals, as well as annual review of practices’ exposure control plans. This is a different standard than the infection control training required every two years. Many practice owners assume that timelines for bloodborne pathogen safety and infection control training are on the same timeline, which leads to confusion at best and noncompliance at worst. 

To simplify this yearly compliance requirement for members, CDA has launched a new Bloodborne Pathogens Online Training Program.

The program is available only to CDA members and their practice teams. It’s designed to be a convenient and affordable option for achieving full compliance with Cal/OSHA’s requirements for bloodborne pathogen safety training and exposure control.

Through flexible online learning modules, this new program offers required education and helpful resources for practices of every size:

  • Two how-to courses to help dental practice leaders train others
  • A blended program with on-demand learning for current and future staff
  • All the resources you need to complete an exposure plan with your team
  • An easy path to achieve full Cal/OSHA compliance
  • Low-cost options designed for small, medium and large offices

Practice leaders receive guidance on required employee training and the steps needed to create and maintain an effective exposure control plan. In addition, the training program offers an opportunity to earn C.E. that works with your practice’s demands and schedule.

Dental practices that have already participated in the Bloodborne Pathogens Online Training Program found that the well-organized sessions removed the confusion and distraction that previously created roadblocks on their path to compliance.

To register or learn more, visit cda.org/BBP and choose the training that’s the right fit for your practice size.


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