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CDA honored with 2021 Gies Award for licensure advocacy achievements

March 17, 2021
Quick Summary:
The Achievement award recognizes CDA for its unwavering advocacy efforts to successfully create an alternative pathway to timely licensure for graduating dental students during the pandemic.

CDA is the recipient of the 2021 William J. Gies Award for Achievement by a public or private partner, presented annually by the American Dental Education Association Gies Foundation.

The Achievement award recognizes CDA for its unwavering advocacy efforts to successfully create an alternative pathway to timely licensure for graduating dental students whose clinical exams were canceled or postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CDA staff, in coalition with California dental school deans and dental student delegates, continuously advocated to have WREB and ADEX manikin-based examinations accepted for licensure in the state. After nearly two months, the new exam format was approved May 28, 2020.

“This accomplishment is a win for dental students and patients by creating an ethically-based pathway to licensure,” said Judee Tippett-Whyte, DDS, CDA president. “The advocacy achievements that this award represents also celebrates the posterity of California licensure’s pathway and is a benefit for future dental students as well.”

The achievement impacted more than 800 dental school graduates, including students at all six California dental schools and graduating dental students across the country.

“For more than 150 years, CDA has been an effective advocate for oral health across the state of California and beyond, working to support dental education, access to oral health care and the profession as a whole,” said Michael Reddy, DMD, DMSc, dean of UCSF School of Dentistry.

Dr. Reddy said CDA’s efforts during the pandemic to advocate for a new pathway to timely licensure for dental students “is the latest example of how CDA – through its enduring partnership and collaboration – has kept oral health and the practice of dentistry moving forward.”

The ADEA hosted the annual ceremony virtually March 12, honoring eight individuals, organizations and institutions that represent the highest standards in oral health and dental education, research and leadership.

“The 2021 honorees represent the spirit of service and excellence that embodies the ADEAGies Foundation and the Gies Awards,” according to the awards program. “They exemplify the best in dental education and oral health.”

Founded in 2007, The annual Gies Awards recognizes the vision and commitment of dental professionals who encourage new ideas, generate opportunities and address issues facing dental education.


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