CDA Foundation to host dental clinic in California’s Trinity County in fall 2024

Dentists, dental assistants needed to provide volunteer services to young children and their parents
February 8, 2024
CDA Foundation logo in right corner

Quick Summary: The CDA Foundation's volunteer-led dental clinic will take place Oct. 9-12 in Weaverville in Trinity County and will serve up to 400 young students and their parents or guardians. The Foundation is seeking volunteers. Dentists and dental professionals can sign up to provide minimally invasive services and address any urgent pain or infections that present during the clinic. As part of the evolved CDA Cares model, individuals who receive treatment will be set up to receive ongoing care.

In partnership with the California Office of Oral Health and Trinity County Office of Education, the CDA Foundation will host a unique multi-day dental clinic serving children and the parents or guardians of children who are attending transitional kindergarten through fourth grade in Trinity County. The clinic will take place Oct. 9-12 in Weaverville and will be the second of the Foundation’s newly evolved CDA Cares Clinic model.

A remotely located community, Trinity County is federally recognized as a dental health professional shortage area with higher than average caries rates among school-aged children compared to the rest of state and a small number of dentists. However, with newly invested resources, the county is establishing partnerships with local community clinics and dentists to provide ongoing school-based oral health screening and referral management policies to facilitate restorative dental care when needed. The Foundation’s volunteer-led clinic in October will help to treat a backlog of needed dental care.

Dentists, dental assistants can sign up to provide volunteer care

The Trinity County clinic will serve up to 400 students, and each student will receive ongoing local dental care. To provide these services, the Foundation aims to recruit dentists and dental assistants to volunteer their time by providing patients with minimally invasive dental services and addressing any urgent pain or infections that present during the clinic. An orientation will be held for all volunteers prior to the clinic.

All volunteers must be licensed and in good standing with their appropriate licensing board.

Due to the remote location of the clinic, the Foundation prefers, but does not require, that volunteers stay for the entire clinic. Volunteers who do not wish to stay for the entire clinic must commit to serve either the first two days or last two days of the four-day clinic. Lodging, meals and transportation will be provided. Volunteers can drive directly to the clinic or fly through Sacramento the days before and after the clinic to use the Foundation’s ground transportation services. More details on transportation, lodging and other logistics will be shared with volunteers upon their event registration.

Sign up to volunteer at the CDA Foundation’s dental clinic in Trinity County. Read about the evolution of the Foundation’s CDA Cares clinic model, and check the CDA Foundation webpage and CDA newsroom to learn about other volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved in community care.


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