If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources.
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Infection Control & CDPA

Online Webinar

Update your knowledge of the most important issues in clinical safety. Are you clear on how to handle ordinary and...

Infection Control

Online Webinar

In this high-energy, memorable course, learn how to update your infection control protocols, find great training resources and create a...

Infection Control, CDPA, OSHA

Hodel's Country Dining 5917 Knudsen Drive, Bakersfield, CA, United States

Infection Control, CA Dental Practice Act & OSHA

Wellness Summit

Serendipity the Venue 18225 Euclid Street, Fountain Valley, CA, United States

The Mentally Resilient Dentist Featuring Dr. Kyle StanleyA proven step-by-step training for dental professionals to master their mental resilience and...

Implant Treatment Planning

Gaia Hotel & Spa 4125 Riverside Place, Anderson, CA, United States

Evidence-Based Implant Treatment Planning for the Partially & Completely Edentulous Patient

Start Me Up! Bus Tour LA

% Arabica at The Grove LA 189 The Grove Dr., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Bank of America on a local bus tour to see firsthand how successful dentists built their practices.You'll learn:- How...

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