If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources. |
The exponential growth in implant dentistry has resulted in the development of a number of new and important procedures. The preservation of the dimensions of the alveolar ridge after tooth removal is crucial for the successful placement of dental implants. The scientific evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of bone grafts and guided bone regeneration in preserving and regenerating hard tissue in extraction sockets is overwhelming. This hands-on workshop uses a pig jaw model where participants will practice the regenerative treatment of fresh extraction sockets, including the selection and use of bone grafts, membranes and biological wound dressings. Additionally, participants will be taught flap elevation and suturing techniques that may be used in conjunction with ridge preservation procedures.
CDA publishes events based on submissions from event organizers and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.