A dentist who prescribes and administers any vaccine must follow requirements for training, continuing education, notifications, reporting and documentation established in Section 1066 of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations.
Training: Keep on-premises documentation of immunization training program completion from an approved provider (includes the Centers for Disease Control only for immunization training and continuing education).
Continuing education: Complete one unit each license renewal period on immunization training that includes training in vaccine administration, prevention and management of adverse reactions, and maintenance of vaccine records.
Notification: Notify each patient’s primary care provider or prenatal care provider, if applicable and known, within 14 days of vaccine administration. If the patient does not have a primary care provider or is unable to provide contact information, advise the patient to consult with a healthcare provider of their choice.
Immunization registry: Register and report vaccinations within the required time to the California Immunization Registry. Inform each patient or the patient’s parent or guardian of immunization record-sharing preferences, detailed in section 120440(e) of the Health and Safety Code.
Documentation: Provide each patient with a patient vaccine administration record or card at the time of vaccination. Maintain a patient vaccine administration record for at least three years from the date of vaccine administration. The patient vaccine administration record must document the names and dates of vaccines administered by the dentist and the dates the appropriate and required vaccine information sheets are provided. The CDC-produced Vaccine Information Statement must be provided to a patient receiving influenza vaccination. An FDA-produced fact sheet on the specific COVID-19 vaccination administered to the patient must be provided at the time of administration.